Self-Defense Warrior - Basic Pistol & Concealed Weapons Class

Students will have a basic understanding and working knowledge of the following:

  • The importance of conflict avoidance & de-escalation
  • Situational awareness
  • Developing a personal and home protection plan
  • Lawful self-defense strategies and use of force
  • Effects of a violent encounter
  • Surviving the aftermath of a deadly force encounter  (Physically, Mentally, Legally, Morally)

This 4-hour training course, instructed by a USCCA Certified Instructor, is designed to enhance confidence and skills with intermediate shooters.  Although not for beginners, students will be refreshed in the basics of self-defense, home defense, and concealed carry while expanding their knowledge of handguns, firearms safety, and shooting fundamentals. 

Self-Defense Warrior - Basic Pistol

  • Students will have a basic understanding and working knowledge of the following:
  • The importance of conflict avoidance & de-escalation
  • Situational awareness
  • Developing a personal and home protection plan
  • Lawful self-defense strategies and use of force
  • Effects of a violent encounter
  • Surviving the aftermath of a deadly force encounter 

       (Physically, Mentally, Legally, Morally)

This 4-hour training course, instructed by a USCCA Certified Instructor, removes fear and instills confidence in beginner or novice shooters. You will learn or be refreshed in the basics of self-defense, home defense, and concealed carry. In addition, students will learn fundamental knowledge of handguns, firearms safety, and shooting fundamentals concepts.

Self-Defense Warrior - Intermediate Pistol

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
  • Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

This course is a complete guide to understanding the basics of firearms ownership, safety, and nomenclature, and how it applies to home- or self-defense. After this class, students will feel confident to act as their family’s first line of defense in the event of a home invasion or other critical incident.

Over 1 million students have taken the U.S. Concealed Carry Association’s course offerings across the nation. Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive classroom course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. If you are new to handguns, this is a great introduction to everything you need to know to start your self-protection journey.

Defensive Shooting Fundamentals - Mini class

  • Key Topics Covered in Defensive Shooting Fundamentals  
  • Defensive shooting versus marksmanship
  • Muscle memory explained
  • Proper grip
  • A natural and neutral shooting platform
  • Aligning the muzzle to the target
  • Point / instinctive shooting
  • Flash sight picture
  • Precise sight alignment
  • Trigger control

This course is a complete guide to understanding the basics of firearms ownership, safety, and nomenclature, and how it applies to home- or self-defense. After this class, students will feel confident to act as their family’s first line of defense in the event of a home invasion or other critical incident.

Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals Class

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
  • Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

This course will cover the USCCA Concealed Weapons and Home Defense Curriculum to promote responsible gun ownership, reinforce lawful self-defense strategies, and help prepare you to deal with the aftermath of a deadly force encounter.  

Florida Concealed Carry - CWP

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
    Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

The shooting portion of this course will be at the Gun Club located in Orlando, FL. Your instructor will provide a 22-caliber or 9mm handgun and ammo for students to use during this course if a personal firearm is not available.

Basic Firearm safety

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
  • Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

This is a non-range class – *NO LIVE FIRE* 

This 4-hour interactive training is designed to promote responsible gun ownership.  Students will learn a functional knowledge of firearms, firearms safety, firearms and concealed carry laws, legal use of force, the elements of self-defense law, shooting fundamentals, cleaning, maintenance, and child access prevention. 

The perfect course to help both gun and non-gun owners regardless of experience with firearms.

Shock Reality 101 - Reality - Based Personal Defense

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
    Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

“Shock Reality 101” training aims to provide the students with exercises that emulate real-world scenarios. This class is a follow-up training course for students who completed the Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP) class or any basic pistol class. 

Sadly, many CWP carriers haven’t or would never attend any follow-up instruction and training. The main problem is that although they met the state requirement for training to get the CWP, they did not leave the courses with proficient skills for handling firearms in real-world scenarios. Completing all the legal requirements does not guarantee the ability to defend yourself or your loved ones. 

The design of the class is to take the students way beyond their comfort zone. It will be like taking them from their warm and comfortable beds and immersing them in a bathtub of ice water to ‘Shock’ them into the reality of owning and carrying a loaded firearm. This training is outside the conventional and restrictive firearms training box.   

Students will learn the real-world fundamentals of dealing with hostile and unpredictable situations while maintaining gun safety and the responsibilities taught in required courses.  By design, this class will ‘Shock’ students into the reality of implementing self-defense with a firearm in life-or-death scenarios. There will be a mix of force-on-force, shoot-no-shoot, active shooter, or home invasion scenarios throughout the training. 

The students will experience the reality of failed motor skills during a simulated attack firsthand. By the end of the Shock Reality 101 class, students will humbly realize that their CWP and firearm classes were not enough to achieve the desired effect they were hoping to have. Instead, the instructor will lead the students into an experience that looks and feels like a lethal encounter, providing them with real-world solutions and options for defending themselves or their loved ones. 

Students will also learn about the physiological issues that occur to human beings while being assaulted or having their lives threatened. Psychologically, the student will understand they have three options to respond to these situations: 1) Fight, 2) Flight, or 3) Freeze. Whether a student has a military, LEO, or civilian security background, they will learn the valuable lesson that a person fights to their lowest level of training.

Introduction to Firearms Safety

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
  • Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

This is a non-range class – *NO LIVE FIRE* 

Objective: Gun operations, safety, cleaning, maintenance, and child access prevention.

This 2-hour interactive training is designed to remove fear and instill confidence in new Shooters. Students will learn a functional knowledge of pistols, firearms safety, and shooting fundamentals. 

The perfect course to help both gun and non-gun owners who have little or no experience with firearms.

Constitutional Carry & Use of Force

  • The Implications of Being Armed in Public
  • Staying Safe by Avoiding Danger
  • Pre-Threat Indicators 
  • De-Escalation
  • Using Force
  • Seeking Further Training

This course will cover the implications of permitless carry. Topics that students will be introduced to include: relevant laws, use-of-force decision making, and next steps to take.

Countering The Mass Shooter Threat

The intent of the course is: 

  • To provide training for those who may get caught in an active shooter situation.  (Run, Hide, Fight)
  • To know the signs to identify an Active Shooter 
  • To guide as to what to expect from responding Law Enforcement.  
  • To create an Emergency Operations Plan.

*Group rates are available for larger numbers. 

*Alternate days and times for classes are available upon request.   

*Host a class at your business or organization


An active shooter is a person(s) actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. In most cases, an active shooter will use a firearm(s), and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. Instead, they choose places where they expect no resistance and no armed opposition.  

Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Typically, immediate response by law enforcement is required to stop the shooter and mitigate harm to victims. However, active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes before law enforcement arrives on the scene, so individuals must be mentally and physically prepared to deal with an active shooter situation. 

Safeguarding Your Sanctuary - Security For Places of Worship

In this class you will:

  • Become more aware of the importance of having or establishing a Security Team.
  • Learn ways to help your security team train more proficiently to be prepared to effectively respond to and increase the chances of surviving a violent or deadly encounter.
  • You will gain knowledge on planning and preparedness to deal with disruptions, violence, and deadly incidents.


*Group rates are available.

*Alternate days and times for classes are available upon request.   

Even though ‘Places of Worship’ are considered places of safety, violence and deadly incidents against people in them exist and are significantly increasing.  Places of worship must take safety and security seriously and prepare as they face the threats of various crimes, violence, hatred, and vandalism.  Deadly force incident motivations include robbery, domestic violence, personal conflict, mental illness, religious bias, and gang/drug-related.

Out of the 20 church shootings in the US from 1999 to the present, 16 were mass murder incidents where 4 or more people were fatally wounded.  Despite the increasing number of violent and deadly incidents, many places of worship do not make security a priority. As a result, they don’t invest in the safety of their staff, members, volunteers, and visitors.

A Security or Protection team will be the initial first responders for places of worship. Security/Protection teams train for trouble with the intent to de-escalate, defuse, or prevent conflict before it begins. 

Every ministry in places of worship needs to have a security mindset.  Security begins with everyone and is not just a task or responsibility for someone else. 

Don’t prepare based on the small probability that it could happen, prepare for these incidents based on the impact it will have if they did happen.  Planning and preparedness can reduce vulnerabilities and turn liabilities into assets.  Preparation does not mean there is a lack of faith.   

Preparation can’t guarantee that nothing wrong will ever happen at the church, but it can significantly improve the odds that nothing will.  

Lawful Self-Defense Strategies - Legal Use of Force

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
  • Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

Learn the elements of lawful self-defense, the use of deadly force requirements, and how to effectively use them when you must draw the line and there are no other options to save your life.

The more educated in self-defense and skilled you are, the more likely your actions will be appropriate, lawful, and effective if ever faced with a dangerous situation of an imminent deadly attack.

You must win the Physical Fight and the Legal Fight! 

There are only two rules for self-defense and NO in between. You are either:

Inside the rules of self-defense with close to zero criminal liability; or 

Outside the rules of self-defense with total criminal liability.

Your goal as a defender is to reduce the risks to as close to zero as possible of a loss in the physical confrontation and the possibility of a conviction by law … We are not required to make perfect decisions in self-defense, we are merely required to make reasonable decisions in self-defense.

Even though the elements of self-defense are simple, to a certain extent, applying them to a real-world scenario can be complicated. The real world is not simple. It’s messy and involves real people, real victims, and real violence. Applying these elements to the real world takes practice. Applying the elements quickly enough to correctly respond when facing the critical moment of an attack, takes even more practice. 

What is tricky about defending self-defense claims is that the defender must be on the right side of EACH of these elements. If one aspect of your self-defense claim fails, and the prosecution can successfully show that to the jury, then, the entire claim of self-defense fails. Self-defense is an all-or-nothing proposition.

In any case, what controls any self-defense scenario is not just the actual nature of a threat being defended against, but the reasonably perceived nature of that threat.

Violent Encounters and The Aftermath

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
    Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

You must have a survival mindset: 

– Mentally & Physically Prepared

– Specialized knowledge  

– Creative Thinking 

Learn strategies to help turn your vulnerabilities into strengths by enhancing your ability to push past stress, fear, or pain.

 It’s not only about beating the outside chaos but also about beating the chaos inside your mind: fear, doubt, uncertainty, and hate.  You must always be in control of yourself. 

Acquire the knowledge and training to develop your Self-Defense ETHOS: Mindset – Instinct – Self-Understanding 

E-VOLVE toward a self-defense mindset. 

T-RAIN & educate yourself to stay within the rules of self-defense.  

H-EIGHTEN and enhance your self-defense instinct.  

O-VERCOME your ego; affirm your stance on the right 

side of the law. 

S-URVIVE and endure the aftermath of a confrontation.

Behavioral Detection and Deescalation

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
    Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

You must have a survival mindset: 

– Mentally & Physically Prepared

– Specialized knowledge  

– Creative Thinking 

Learn strategies to help turn your vulnerabilities into strengths by enhancing your ability to push past stress, fear, or pain.

 It’s not only about beating the outside chaos but also about beating the chaos inside your mind: fear, doubt, uncertainty, and hate.  You must always be in control of yourself. 

Acquire the knowledge and training to develop your Self-Defense ETHOS: Mindset – Instinct – Self-Understanding 

E-VOLVE toward a self-defense mindset. 

T-RAIN & educate yourself to stay within the rules of self-defense.  

H-EIGHTEN and enhance your self-defense instinct.  

O-VERCOME your ego; affirm your stance on the right 

side of the law. 

S-URVIVE and endure the aftermath of a confrontation.

Realtor Safety Awareness & Scenario Training

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
    Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

Learn strategies and techniques specific to real estate professionals to immediately recognize vulnerabilities and avoid potentially dangerous situations that could lead to violent or deadly confrontations.   

Understand how to safely follow best practices when your real estate duties require you to routinely meet strangers at unoccupied locations.  

Learn how to develop a plan for potentially dangerous encounters.  It would be best if you practiced your plan, which must be thought out in advance.   

Learn to prevent/minimize emotional responses, confusion, hesitation, and indecisiveness that will cause future regret or attract/stimulate criminal predator behavior. 

Awareness, avoidance, and preparation are crucial in reducing the probability of a terrifying, life-threatening situation.


Real Estate Agent Safety Class

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
    Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

* Group rates are available.

*Alternate days and times for classes are available upon request.   

Real estate agents face a high risk of violent encounters in the workplace, more so than many other professions. 

This course is designed to train real estate professionals concerned for their safety while showing properties, working alone with clients, working in the office, and conducting open houses. 


This course is a complete guide to understanding the basics of firearms ownership, safety, and nomenclature, and how it applies to home- or self-defense. After this class, students will feel confident to act as their family’s first line of defense in the event of a home invasion or other critical incident.

Over 1 million students have taken the U.S. Concealed Carry Association’s course offerings across the nation. Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive classroom course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. If you are new to handguns, this is a great introduction to everything you need to know to start your self-protection journey.

Shock Reality 101 - Reality Based Personal Defense

  • Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
    Gear and Gadgets
  • The Legal Use of Force
  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath
  • Basic and Advanced Skills

“Shock Reality 101” training aims to provide the students with exercises that emulate real-world scenarios. This class is a follow-up training course for students who completed the Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP) class or any basic pistol class. 


Sadly, many CWP carriers haven’t or would never attend any follow-up instruction and training. The main problem is that although they met the state requirement for training to get the CWP, they did not leave the courses with proficient skills for handling firearms in real-world scenarios. Completing all the legal requirements does not guarantee the ability to defend yourself or your loved ones. 


The design of the class is to take the students way beyond their comfort zone. It will be like taking them from their warm and comfortable beds and immersing them in a bathtub of ice water to ‘Shock’ them into the reality of owning and carrying a loaded firearm. This training is outside the conventional and restrictive firearms training box.   


Students will learn the real-world fundamentals of dealing with hostile and unpredictable situations while maintaining gun safety and the responsibilities taught in required courses.  By design, this class will ‘Shock’ students into the reality of implementing self-defense with a firearm in life-or-death scenarios. There will be a mix of force-on-force, shoot-no-shoot, active shooter, or home invasion scenarios throughout the training. 


The students will experience the reality of failed motor skills during a simulated attack firsthand. By the end of the Shock Reality 101 class, students will humbly realize that their CWP and firearm classes were not enough to achieve the desired effect they were hoping to have. Instead, the instructor will lead the students into an experience that looks and feels like a lethal encounter, providing them with real-world solutions and options for defending themselves or their loved ones. 


Students will also learn about the physiological issues that occur to human beings while being assaulted or having their lives threatened. Psychologically, the student will understand they have three options to respond to these situations: 1) Fight, 2) Flight, or 3) Freeze. Whether a student has a military, LEO, or civilian security background, they will learn the valuable lesson that a person fights to their lowest level of training.

Sabre (Pepper Spray) - Civilian Safety Awareness Program

  • This three (3) hour SABRE Civilian Safety Awareness Program (CSAP) will teach you how to:

    • identify and avoid dangerous encounters
    • Discourage an attacker

We will help you become proficient and accurate with your SABRE pepper spray by deploying water-filled practice sprays at static targets and deploying the Practice Spray at your instructor during a simulated attack.

Unfortunately, all dangerous encounters cannot be avoided, so CSAP will also teach you how to: Use verbal commands & simple self-defense   techniques Effectively and responsibly deploy SABRE Pepper  Spray Escape an attacker.

Sabre (Pepper Spray) - College Safety Program

  • We provide practical tips to be incorporated into daily life to address a wide range of scenarios most students will regularly encounter, both on and off-campus. Students will learn: 

    • Travel Safety 
    • Active Assailant/Active Shooter Response 
    • Situational Awareness
    • How to be Prepared & Engaged in Emergencies 
    • Basic Self-Defense 
    • How to Use Pepper Gel & Personal Alarms 
    • Sexual Assault Risk Reduction 

SABRE’s College Safety Program empowers students to make their safety a priority during their time on campus.  The SABRE College Safety Program is structured around campus safety issues. The end goal is to provide students with self-defense and risk reduction strategies to increase their security 

Florida Concealed Carry - Online

In this course you will learn about the main topics pertaining to the carrying of handguns in the state of Florida. The overall objective of this course is to educate students on the responsibilities and laws applicable to handgun license holders. Before attending the in-person class, you must complete the assigned eLearning accessible through your USCCA dashboard.

Concealed carry Fundamentals & Techniques - This is a non-range class (NO LIVE FIRE)

  • Dry fire training will be done with “SIRT” training guns and students handguns for familiarization.

    Key Topics Covered in Carrying Concealed Fundamentals & Techniques:

    • Concealed carry techniques
    • Drawing from concealment
    • Fighting to your gun
    • Defensive shooting versus marksmanship.
    • Target recognition
    • Gun retention
    • Proper grip.
    • A natural and neutral shooting platform.
    • Aligning the muzzle to the target.
    • Point/instinctive shooting.
    • Defensive shooting accuracy
    • Flash sight picture.
    • Precise sight alignment.
    • Trigger control.

Defensive Shooting Techniques - live-fire class

Key Topics Covered in Defensive Shooting Techniques:

  • Defensive shooting vs marksmanship.
  • Muscle memory explained.
  • Proper grip.
  • A natural and neutral shooting platform.
  • Aligning the muzzle to the target.
  • Point / instinctive shooting.
  • Flash sight picture.
  • Precise sight alignment.
  • Trigger control.

Do You have any questions?

Have a question or want to learn more about our gun training programs? Get in touch with us today!

Pistol bullseye target shooting training in an indoor shooting club


Read what our past clients have to say about their experience with Gun Safety Group LLC.


    March, 2023

    Keith is an amazing instructor!


      November 2022

      The training that I received was excellent. I am very happy and would love to take additional training classes.


        September, 2022

        Keith was AMAZING!!! He took time and pride in making sure you knew about gun safety and the appropriate way to defend yourself.


          May 2022

          Extremely satisfied with the course and the trainer. He went above and beyond. A++

          Qualified Instructors
          Quality Weapons Training

          GUNS Safety gROUP LLc

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